Subject: Minutes of the July 8, 2010 Sequence III Surveillance Panel Teleconference call Dave Glaenzer Sequence III Chair, called the meeting to order. A roll call was taken and the following voting members were on the call, Ed Altman (Afton), Jason Bowden (OHT), Bruce Matthews (GM and Test Sponsor), Pat Lang (SwRI), Charlie Leverett (Intertek), Jim Carter (JHHaltermann), Greg Seman (Lubrizol), Andy Ritchie (Infineum, represented by Gordon Farnsworth), Tim Caudill (Ashland) and Rich Grundza (TMC), constituting a quorum of voting members. Also participating in the call were Jim Rutherford, Chris Castanien, Jerry Brys, Phil Scinto, Todd Dvorak, Jo Martinez, Doyle Boese, Adam Bowden and Dwight Bowden. Dave stated that the purpose of the call was to fulfill an action item assigned at the May 12, 2010 Sequence III Surveillance panel meeting to determine action prior to the end of the 60 day extension for ACLW lower limit Shewhart severity criteria scheduled to end on July 11, 2010. Options were discussed. Rich Grundza stated he couldn't support another extension, as it represented an "ad hoc" change to the LTMS document, which is not receiving proper reviews. Chris Castanien agreed with Rich in this matter and suggested all stakeholders are not made aware of the situation. Gordon Farnsworth suggested that this be handled by information letter, but these requirements are not addressed in the test method and therefore, are not subject to an information letter. Discussion of current test results and the need for continuing to suspend the lower limit continued. It was brought out that 5 of the last 6 results were mild and three of the last 6 results were greater than 2 standard deviations mild. Jim Rutherford said his company may vote negative, as results this mild may result in a loss of discrimination. Several panel members noted that this has already been happening and that current effective pass limits for ACLW with Severity Adjustments (SA's) have been as low as 18 - 20 microns in laboratories which have experienced these very mild results. Target change was brought up as a possible solution, but was quickly dismissed. After some considerable discussion, Charlie Leverett put forth the following motion, "Modify the IIIG LTMS to remove the lower shewhart limit for ACLw and plot SA's as currently conducted". The intent is that the LTMS will continue to chart in the same manner and apply shewhart limits, etc., in the severe direction. The motion was seconded by Ed Altman and approved unanimously (vote 7-0-3). With Ed Altman, Tim Caudill, Greg Seman, Pat Lang, Charlie Leverett, Bruce Matthews and Gordon Farnsworth voting affirmative and Jason Bowden, Rich Grundza and Jim Carter waiving. The voting members agreed that if ACLW severity returns in control, then the lower shewhart limit will be reinstituted. A subsequent motion was also brought forward to allow the current extension to remain in effect during the required two week LTMS review period, until July 25th, 2010. This was also approved unanimously, by a vote of 8-0-2, with Messrs Carter and Grundza waiving. Conference call was adjourned at 1:03 pm. Richard E. Grundza Senior Project Engineer ASTM Test Monitoring Center 6555 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15206 412-365-1031 412-848-8840 (cell) -- This message was scanned by ESVA and is believed to be clean. Click here to report this message as spam.