From: Fetterman, Pat []
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:00 PM
To: Allison Rajakumar;; Bill Buscher (E-mail); Bill Larch; Boese, Doyle; Brad Carter; Campbell, Bob; Cathy Devlin;; Chris Castanian; Dan Pridemore; Glen Fetterman; Greg Miiller;; Hind Abi-Akar; James Gutzwiller; James Matasic (E-mail); Jeff Clark; Jesse Hamilton;; Jim McGeehan;; Jim Rutherford; JingChun Xie;; John Haegelin; Keith Selby;; Kevin Carabell; Marc Peters; Mark Cooper; Matt Urbanak (E-mail); Mike Alessi; Norbert Nann (E-mail); Riccardo Conti; Rich Grundza; Ron Buck; Ryan Johnson; Scott Harold; Scott Richards (E-mail); Shawn Whitacre; Steve Kennedy; Tom Wingfield; Victor Kersey; WenTong Lu; Wim Van Dam; Zack Bishop
Subject: Mack Surveillance Panel - Unconfirmed minutes of our January 26, 2011 teleconference.

Participants –

Mike Alseei; Zack Bishop; Ron Brock; Bob Campbell; Kevin Carabell; Chris Castanien; Jeff Clark; Mark Cooper; Pat Fetterman; Eric Garzelloni; Ken Goshorn; Jim Gutzwiller; Jim Matasic; Jim McCord; Jim Moritz; Scott Richards; Jim Rutherford; Greg Shank


Discussion –

Eric Garzelloni reported that Mahle expects to produce a batch of roughly 16,000 bearing sets sometime in the next few weeks, but he did not have definitive timing.

Ken Goshorn reported that he had measured backside roughness on several sets of bearings in an area near the oil hole:

1)       Six sets pulled from Mack Service in Chicago, date coded 12/10. Measurements ranged from 32 to 48 microns, and they looked visually similar to batch V.

2)       Three sets of batch V bearings. Measurements ranged from 46 to 72 microns, but a trace over the “deep scratch” noted by Intertek on one bearing ranged 61-83.

3)       One set of T-10 bearings with the 80/20 tin/lead flashing. Measurement ranged 28 to 30 microns.


Overall observation is that the bearings available in Mack Service Parts measure smoother than batch V, but rougher than the desired historical finish. In addition, they did not look visually different from batch V.

This led to a prolonged discussion of potential ways forward and a plan to hold another teleconference on Monday, January 31st. However, before that call was finalized, Mahle reported they just received an email from their plant, and the 16K unit production run is expected to be completed by the end of that week. Based on this new information, the group decided to postpone the next teleconference until sometime late in the week of January 31st- possibly either February 3rd or 4th.


Action items for next teleconference –

Ken Goshorn will check the disposition of the Mack Service Parts bearings in Chicago.

Mahle will attempt to spot check backside surface finish of parts from early, mid and late production from the upcoming 16K bearing batch.

The group will consider a proposal from Chris Castanien to exchange the current TEI bearing stock with 1800 pieces from Mack Service Parts supply and examine a larger sample. Compare this data to new data taken from the 16,000 unit batch which is about to be produced, and then select the “best” available bearings to move forward.

The goal is to select a way forward during the next teleconference – whenever it is held.


Respectfully submitted,
