From: Jeff Clark Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 8:02 AM To: Campbell, Bob; Abi-Akar, Hind; Rajakumar, Allison; Budd, Armel; Weber, Ben;; Buscher, Bill; Devlin, Cathy; Passut, Charlie; Castanien, Chris; Pridemore, Dan;; Menasco, Michael (ENAS); Fetterman, Pat; Miiller, Greg; Parsons, Gary (GMPA); Shank, Greg; Jeff Clark; Gutzwiller, Jim; Rutherford, Jim (JARU); McGeehan, James; Moritz, Jim (Intertek); Matasic, Jim; Franklin, Joe (Intertek); Haeglin, John (Intertek); Jones, Ron; Hamilton, Jesse; Carabell, Kevin (kedc) (KCarabell); Selby, Keith; Goshorn, Ken; Polley, Kris; Lu, WenTong; Sztenderowicz, Mark; Shell Oil, Urbanak, Matt; Minotti, Michael; Nann, Norbert; Buck, Ron; Rich Grundza; Conti, Riccardo; Citgo, Patrick, Dick; Johnson, Ryan; Richards, Scott M. (srichards) (SwRI); Bond, Stacy; Kersey, Victor; Wingfield, Tom M; Larch, Bill; Van Dam, Wim (WVDA); Xie, JingChun; Bishop, Zack;; Subject: Mack Teleconference Minutes - July 23 2010 Attachments: 100723 T-11 severity (SP summary slide only) - reference oil UOA.pptx; PC9 vs PC10 TMC 820-2 Comparison.xlsx; 100721 T-11 severity (SP) - reference oil UOA.pptx; Modified T-11 Result.xls Attendance: Tom Wingfield, Doyle Boese, Jim Rutherford, Mark Cooper, Scott Richards, Ryan Johnson, Chris Castanien, Jim Gutzwiller, Zack Bishop, Brad Carter, Bob Campbell, Jeff Clark, Steve Kennedy, Pat Fetterman, Greg Shank, Jim Matasic The main purpose of the call is discuss T-11 severity issues and clarification on T-12A activities. T-11 Severity: Several attachments were passed around prior to the meeting. Steve Kennedy gave an overview of their T-11 test. They ran for 432 hours and saw very ittle break in the oil. It appears that slowing down soot capture rate does not restore severity to the test. Bob Campbell summarized Afton's test which followed their recent reference test. This test was on PC-10 fuel. Belief was expressed that PC-10 may flatten the vis curve a bit. Mark Cooper stated that the tests on PC-10 seem to show less TBN depletion. Concern was expressed that PC-9 fuel blending over time has contributed or cause the mild trend. Tom Wingfield of ChevronPhillips noted that there was a low sulfur diesel source switch in late 2006 / early 2007. In April 2008, another transition was made where high sulfur diesel was obtained to blend into ultra-low sulfur to meet the PC-9 fuel spec. Jim Rutherford relayed that he is working on an effort to find other fuel factors that may impact severity and once that list is compiled, he and Mark Cooper will work with Tom Wingfield to examine fuel data. Much more discussion occurred. SwRI will soon be running a T-11 on Haltermann's version of PC-9 fuel. The panel will wait for the results of this test (provided the data is released by the client, see note below) as well as the results of the fuel analysis and then reconvene to discuss. T-12A: Mark clarified the current status of the T-12A. The test will not be officially created until it clears Sub. B ballot. Mark will draft a letter to ACC and API to inform users of the test of the progress to date. The TMC will not be able to establish calibration status of test stands until the ballot has cleared with no negatives. Next Teleconference Meeting: August 4 at 3:00 pm Eastern time. POST MEETING NOTE REGARDING RELEASE OF REFERENCE OIL DATA: During the meeting discussion regarding the reference oil test being run on Haltermann fuel, Jeff Clark noted that, per the rules of the Test Monitoring System, any reference oil data must be released to the public. As a point of clarification, Jeff's comment only applies to reference oil sourced and assigned through the TMC. Reference oil sourced through other channels (straight from supplier, use of retain oil, etc.) are not subject to the reference oil rules and thus the client may decided whether or not to make the data public. Best Regards, Jeff Clark Technical Manager Engineering / Analytical Services 412.365.1032 412.848.8843 cell ASTM Test Monitoring Center ATC European Registration Centre