From: Jeff Clark Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 3:11 PM To: Abi-Akar, Hind; Bishop, Zack; Bond, Stacy; Brunett, Don; Buck, Ron; Budd, Armel; Buscher, Bill; Campbell, Bob; Carabell, Kevin (kedc) (KCarabell); Carter, Brad; Castanien, Chris; Jeff Clark; Collins, Casey T; Conti, Riccardo; Cooper, Mark (MAWC); Devlin, Cathy; Fetterman, Pat; Franklin, Joe (Intertek); Goshorn, Ken; Rich Grundza; Gutzwiller, Jim; Haeglin, John (Intertek); Hamilton, Jesse; Harold, Scott; Johnson, Ryan; Jones, Ron; Kennedy, Steve; Kersey, Victor; Larch, Bill; Lu, WenTong; Matasic, Jim; McGeehan, James; Menasco, Michael (ENAS); Miiller, Greg; Minotti, Michael; Moritz, Jim; Nann, Norbert; Parsons, Gary (GMPA); Passut, Charlie; Patrick, Dick; Polley, Kris; Pridemore, Dan; Rajakumar, Allison; Richards, Scott M. (srichards) (SwRI); Rutherford, Jim (JARU); Selby, Keith; Shank, Greg; Sztenderowicz, Mark; Urbanak, Matt; Van Dam, Wim (WVDA); Weber, Ben; Wingfield, Tom M; Xie, JingChun Subject: Minutes of Mack SP Teleconference of April 23 2010 Attachments: RingBatchS3.pptx; RingBatchS2.pptx Attendance - Jeff Clark, Mark Cooper, Jim Rutherford, Bob Campbell, Jim Moritz, Jim Matasic, Kevin Carabell, Philipe Saad, Ryan Johnson, Scott Richards, Zack Bishop, Jim Gutzwiller, Greg Shank, Riccardo Conti, Chris Castanien T-11 Mild Trend with S Batch Rings: Jim Rutherford provided a couple of analyses (attached) which he reviewed for the panel. After some discussion, there was agreement that the test is no longer running where it once was and it likely cannot discriminate. However, there was not complete consensus that the S Batch Rings are driving the change in performance. It appears that the performance of the test has gradually been going mild for a long time. Much more discussion ensued, eventually turning to the topic of whether or not the test is out of control. As the call was coming to a close, it was agreed that Mark Cooper, Jeff Clark, and Greg Shank would work offline to develop a list of action items; it was also agreed that the panel will need to have weekly discussions, at least to the extent possible. The next call will be 10:00 am Thursday, April 29. Cummins ISM: It was generally agreed that the reference tests with new filter and crosshead batches are now a go as soon as the labs have the hardware. Best Regards, Jeff Clark Technical Manager Engineering / Analytical Services 412.365.1032 412.848.8843 cell ASTM Test Monitoring Center ATC European Registration Centre