From: Jeff Clark Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 11:58 AM To: Abi-Akar, Hind; Bond, Stacy; Brunett, Don; Buck, Ron; Budd, Armel; Buscher, Bill; Campbell, Bob; Carabell, Kevin (kedc) (KCarabell); Carter, Brad (BCGW); Jeff Clark; Cobb, Scott; Conti, Riccardo; Cooper, Mark (MAWC); Devlin, Cathy; Fetterman, Pat; Franklin, Joe (Intertek); Goshorn, Ken; Gutzwiller, Jim; Haeglin, John (Intertek); Hamilton, Jesse; Harold, Scott; Jones, Ron; Kennedy, Steve; Kersey, Victor; Kleiser, William (wmkl); Larch, Bill; Matasic, Jim; Mc Geehan, James (JIAM); Miller, Greg; Minotti, Michael; Moritz, Jim; Nann, Norbert; Parsons, Gary (GMPA); Passut, Charlie; Patrick, Dick; Polley, Kris; Pridemore, Dan; Richards, Scott M. (srichards) (SwRI); Rutherford, Jim (JARU); Selby, Keith; Shank, Greg; Sztenderowicz, Mark; Urbanak, Matt; Van Dam, Wim (WVDA) Subject: Minutes of the September 13, 2007 Mack Surveillance Panel Conference Call Attachments: Revisit Mack T-12 CLW Reference Results and LTMS again.ppt Attendance - Jeff Clark, Mark Cooper, Armel Budd, Jim Matasic, Jess Hamilton, Jim Rutherford, Greg Shank, Lew Williams, Jim Moritz, John Haegelin, Scott Richards, Bob Campbell, Ken Goshorn, Mike Conn, Kevin Carabell, Ron Buck, Steve Kennedy T-8 Targets for 1005-2: This discussion picked up from the Sept. 6, 2007 conference call. One option is to run more reference tests. This can be done one of two ways: running tests up front, or letting the system play out until the tests are generated through the normal referencing system. After much discussion, a motion was made to get 5 tests on 1005-2 to re-set test targets (Kennedy, Richards). This motion passed with no objections and two waives (Buck, Budd). The conversation then moved on to how to get from an n size of two to an n size of 5. After discussing possible scenarios, the panel was leaning toward running reference tests. Serious consideration was given towards terminating all lab calibrations on January 5, 2008 to provide the incentive to for labs to run the necessary three tests. This idea will be discussed further on a conference call Friday, September 28th at 10:30 Eastern. T-12 Cylinder Liner Wear: Jim Rutherford's analysis is attached. It seems as if the boost control change in late 2005 did not bring labs together on liner wear as was hoped. This item will be kept on the agenda of future meetings. Best Regards, Jeff Clark Staff Engineer ASTM Test Monitoring Center 6555 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15206 412-365-1032 412-848-8843 (cell)