From: Cooper, Mark (MAWC) []
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 3:02 PM
To: Armel Budd; Bill Buscher (E-mail); Bill Larch (E-mail); Campbell, Bob; Cathy Devlin;; Dan Pridemore; Dick Patrick (E-mail); Glen Fetterman; Greg Miller;; Hind Abi-Akar; James Gutzwiller; James Matasic (E-mail); Jeff Clark; Jesse Hamilton; Mc Geehan, James (JIAM); Moritz, Jim (Intertek); Rutherford, Jim (JARU); Franklin, Joe (Intertek); Haeglin, John (Intertek); Keith Selby;; Matt Urbanak (E-mail); Michael Minotti; Norbert Nann (E-mail); Riccardo Conti; Ron Buck; Scott Harold; Scott Richards (E-mail); Stacy Bond; Steve Kennedy; Sztenderowicz, Mark; Victor Kersey; Van Dam, Wim (WVDA); Kleiser, William (wmkl)
Cc: Carabell, Kevin (kedc) (KCarabell); Parsons, Gary (GMPA); Sztenderowicz, Mark; Carter, Bradley D. (BCGW)
Subject: Mack SP Teleconference Minutes of 7/17/07

From: Jeff Clark []
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 1:58 PM
To: Pat Fetterman; Cooper, Mark (MAWC)
Subject: Mack SP Minutes of 7/17/07

Mark and Pat,

Please distribute to the Mack SP. Thanks.



Attendance - Jeff Clark, Mark Cooper, Scott Richards, Bob Campbell, Jim Rutherford, Jim Matasic, Jess Hamilton, Jim Gutzwiller, Jim Moritz, John Haegelin, Alton Richards, Riccardo Conti, Ron Buck

The meeting began at 2:05 pm EDT.

Fuel Issues - A telecon was held this morning with Chevron Phillips and this was summarized by Mark Cooper. They indicated that several factors contributed to the PC-9 shortage: a change in feedstock supply, an incorrect assumption that PC-9 demand was going away, a previous policy of depleting all fuel before starting a new batch, and personnel changes. Chevron Phillips stated that they are taking several actions to address these issues. The plan on keeping a 100K gallon reserve, maintaining an adequate number of feedstock suppliers, better efforts in forecast fuel usage, and better participation in and reporting to surveillance panels.

The discussion changed to the possibility opening up to other fuel suppliers. It was mentioned that PC-10 supply has been a problem for some time.  After discussion, much of it regarding the impact to several surveillance panels and how to move forward, Mark Cooper agreed to take our issues (again) to the HDEOCP for guidance, both long and short term. Mark will enlist Greg Shank's help and will report back.

T-8 Test Targets - Jim Moritz pointed out that the T-8 targets for 1005-2, RV48, already existed. The targets distributed by TMC and approved by the SP contained an error, using 'back-calculated RV48' data instead of the actual RV48 data. Jeff moved to correct to targets to 2.09 mean and 0.15 std. Dev. (from 2.14 and 0.15). Passed without objection.

The meeting adjourned at 2:55 pm.