From: Rutherford, Jim (JARU) []
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 3:53 PM
To: Jeff Clark
Subject: RE: T-12 Task Force Meeting Minutes of October 11 2005

Jeff, slight corrections below

Best regards, Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Clark []
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 12:39 PM
To: Andrew Ritchie (E-mail); Andy Broff (E-mail); Bill Larch (E-mail); Bob Campbell (E-mail); Carter, Bradley -XBCAR; Cathy Devlin (E-mail); Greg Shank (E-mail); Jeff Clark (E-mail); Jim Gutzwiller (E-mail); Jim Matasic (E-mail); Moritz, Jim -XJMOR1; Rutherford, Jim (JARU); Jim Wells (E-mail); Joan Evans (E-mail); Haeglin, John; Jose Gutierrez (E-mail); Keith Selby (E-mail); Ken Goshorn (E-mail); Cooper, Mark (MAWC); Michael Minotti (E-mail); Pat Fetterman (E-mail); Riccardo Conti (E-mail); Ron Buck (E-mail); Scott Richards (E-mail); Steve Kennedy (E-mail); Franklin, Tom; Van Dam, Wim (WVDA)

Subject: T-12 Task Force Meeting Minutes of October 11 2005

Chris Castanien, Warren Totten, Dave Stehouwer, Ron Buck, Jim Moritz, Jim Gutzwiller, Mark Sarlo, Jim Matasic, Dan Domonkos, Greg Shank, Steve Jetter, Steve Kennedy, Riccardo Conti, Bob Campbell, Todd Dvorak, Dan Pridemore, Scott Richards, Ken Goshorn, Wim van Dam, Jeff Clark, Mark Cooper, Nancy Diggs, Joan Evans, Elisa Santos, Jim Rutherford, Charlie Passut, Cathy Devlin

The minutes of the T-12 portion of the Mack meeting on Sept. 9 2005, were approved as issued.

Matrix Data Analysis - Jim Rutherford (presentation attached) Jim's analysis was done with 26 tests and was done three ways: all data (26 tests), matrix only tests (16), matrix and concurrent tests on the new ring batch (16). Two more tests should be available by the end of the week. Greg Shank moved (Moritz second) that the invalid test at lab D (cmir 55721) and the pre-matrix test with operational problems at lab G (cmir 52553) be excluded from any analyses. The motion passed unanimously.

This preliminary analysis shows the need for some transformations. These include natural log transforms for TRWL, Delta PB, and PB250-300. Liner wear and oil consumption were not transformed. Jim also looked at outlier screening. He found no need for the use of cylinder profiles for bearing weight loss, but ring and liner wear will likely need to use profiles. The TF instructed Jim to use all labs' data (new ring batch only) for developing the profiles.

A lengthy side-bar discussion on the potential merit system took place and this included the possibility of using bearing weight loss instead of lead. Greg indicated that he would take the issue under consideration.

The TF then reviewed (at length) scatter plots provided by Jim to examine the impact of various operating conditions versus test results. This spurred interest in having an O&H group further study operational issues.

Action Plan Forward
1. Jim Rutherford will revise the data analysis once the two remaining tests have been received. This will be reviewed by the industry statisticians and then presented to the TF later this month. 2. Labs are to make sure that all op data has been submitted to Jeff Clark. Jeff can resend the template if anyone needs it. 3. The TF will review Jim's revised analysis prior the Oct. 27 class panel meeting. 4. The O&H group will meet in November to review operational issues.

Piston Crown Failure - Bob Campbell (presentation attached)
Bob showed pictures of pitting/blistering that Afton has seen on two of their matrix tests. Bob commented that the blistering seems to correspond with ring wear and that the blistering has been seen to some degree at all labs. SwRI was asked to look at their hardware from tests run at 80 and 90 deg C intake manifold temperature to see if there is a difference in the amount of blistering. A sub-group was formed to further study this issue. Bob will chair the group and members include the test labs and Ken Goshorn of Mack/Volvo.

Next Meeting
A definite date meeting was not set.


Jeff Clark
Staff Engineer
ASTM Test Monitoring Center
6555 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
412-848-8843 (cell)
 <<MatrixAnalyses7.ppt>>  <<Mack T12 Piston Distress.ppt>>
 << File: MatrixAnalyses7.ppt >>  << File: Mack T12 Piston Distress.ppt >>