From: Fetterman, Pat []
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:00 PM
To: Bill Buscher (E-mail); Bill Larch (E-mail); Bob Campbell (E-mail); Charlie Passut (E-mail); Dan Pridemore; Dick Patrick (E-mail); Floyd Albert; Glen Fetterman; Glenn Mazzamaro (E-mail); Greg Shank (E-mail); James Gutzwiller; James Matasic (E-mail); Jeff Clark; Jim McGeehan; Jim Moritz (E-mail); Jim Rutherford; Jim Wells (E-mail); Joe Franklin; John Heagelin; Ken Goshorn (E-mail); Mark Cooper; Matt Urbanak (E-mail); Michael Minotti; Mike Zaiontz (E-mail); Norbert Nann (E-mail); Riccardo Conti; Ron Buck; Scott Richards (E-mail); Stacy Bond; Steve Kennedy; Tom Boschert (E-mail); Tom Franklin; Warren Totten (E-mail); Wim Van Dam
Cc: Minotti, Michael;;
Subject: Mack Surveillance Panel teleconference action items - 4/24/04

Action items -
Jeff Clark - will gather and assemble data to track reference runs by bearing batch and by lab to allow more detailed analysis of data.

Dana - will use EDS to look at a typical segment of the cross section of the overlay using the bearings they have already mounted    and prepped to characterize the relative composition and consistancy of the overlay.

Dana - will pull ten sets of both rod and main bearings from production before they reach the final flash bath. These bearings will be fully coated with Ferrocote(?) 5850 preservative oil and sent to TEI for potential use in future reference tests.

TEI - will inspect bearings and reserve one set for potential future chemical analysis. If any appearance anomolies are noted, the information will be shared with the Surveillance Panel.

TEI - future rebuild kits will include identified/matched bearings so bearing batch is tied to a rebuild kit.
Labs and TMC - add main bearing weight loss to data reporting package.
Jeff Clark - will continue work to complete oxidation round robin (1) push labs to submit data currently available (2) work additional supply of one test oil.

Jim Rutherford - will look at the impact of using the simpler linear oxidation/lead models on the Mack Merits derived from lead.

Jim Rutherford - will submit revised T-11 checklist to ACC.
Jeff Clark - graciously agreed to take minutes of next teleconference which is scheduled for Friday, April 2, 2004 at 1:00 pm EST.


Pat Fetterman
Industry Liaison Advisor
Infineum USA L.P.
Ph - (908) 474-3099
Fx - (908) 474-3363