From: Fetterman, Pat [] Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 3:57 PM To: Aimin Huang (E-mail); Aung N. Oo (E-mail); Bill Buscher (E-mail); Bill Larch (E-mail); Bob Campbell (E-mail); Charlie Passut (E-mail); Dick Patrick (E-mail); Glenn Mazzamaro (E-mail); Greg Shank (E-mail); Gutzwiller, James; James Matasic (E-mail); Jeff Clark (E-mail); Jim McGeehan (E-mail); Jim Moritz (E-mail); Jim Rutherford (E-mail); Jim Wells (E-mail); Joe Franklin (E-mail); Ken Goshorn (E-mail); Mark Cooper (E-mail); Mark Sutherland (E-mail); Mike Zaiontz (E-mail); Norbert Nann (E-mail); Redescal Gomez (E-mail); Riccardo Conti (E-mail); Robert Mainwaring (E-mail); Ron Buck (E-mail); Scott Richards (E-mail); Steve Kennedy (E-mail); Tom Boschert (E-mail); Warren Totten (E-mail); Wim Van Dam (E-mail) Subject: Unapproved Minutes of the March 21 Teleconference Unapproved Minutes of the March 21 Teleconference of the Mack Surveillance Panel Members / Guests Participating: Bob Campbell; Greg Shank; Jeff Clark; Jim Moritz; Jim Wells; Ken Goshorn; Mark Cooper; Ron Buck; Scott Richards; Jim Matasic; Mark Rees; Wim Van Dam ;Pat Fetterman Agenda: Original Topic - T-9 Reference Interval. Added Topics - R.V 4.8 RSI data base analysis request; Industry Alarm T-9 Reference interval: As an action item from our March 5 teleconference, Wim Van Dam reported that the feedback from the ACC, while only verbal, was that they do not want to lengthen the time between reference tests from one year to, possibly, 18 months. Based on this feedback, Scott Richards with drew his motion to extend the reference interval. R.V. 4.8 RSI data base analysis: Wim reported that he had received some push back from the ACC regarding a request to have RSI prepare a report on the 100 5 DIN shear results from candidate oils. They felt that the ACC needed a better understanding of the reason for the request. Following a fairly lengthy discussion, the group decided that we probably do not really need this data, and the issue will be dropped from further consideration. Industry Alarm for T-10 EOT Lead and Delta Lead 250-300 hours: Jeff Clark reported that we are currently operating in an industry alarm for both EOT lead and 250-300 hour lead. (The author tried to trick him into saying they are correlated, but he wasn't going there!) He indicate that the alarm had been triggered by two very severe results from the same stand. At this time, Jeff believes that no action is required by the Surveillance Panel, other than monitoring the situation. Any Other Business: Jeff Clark reported that the liner wear round robin is progressing very well, and the data look great. Jeff also reported that he would be issuing T-8; T-9 and T-10 Information letters with an effective date of March 6, 2002. There followed a lengthy discussion of the "correct" MRV technique for the T-10A test. Greg Shank asked the group if there were any concerns over stipulating the use of only the "modified" method, and there were no responses. Next Meeting: Wim asked the group to input to him any preference between having a meeting before June in Richmond, CA, or waiting until ASTM week in Montreal. Respectively submitted, Pat