From: Fetterman, Pat [] Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:33 PM To: Aimin Huang (E-mail); Aung N. Oo (E-mail); Bill Buscher (E-mail); Bill Larch (E-mail); Bob Campbell (E-mail); Charlie Passut (E-mail); Dick Patrick (E-mail); Glenn Mazzamaro (E-mail); Greg Shank (E-mail); Gutzwiller, James; James Matasic (E-mail); Jeff Clark (E-mail); Jim McGeehan (E-mail); Jim Moritz (E-mail); Jim Rutherford (E-mail); Jim Wells (E-mail); Joe Franklin (E-mail); Ken Goshorn (E-mail); Mark Cooper (E-mail); Mark Sutherland (E-mail); Mike Zaiontz (E-mail); Norbert Nann (E-mail); Redescal Gomez (E-mail); Riccardo Conti (E-mail); Robert Mainwaring (E-mail); Ron Buck (E-mail); Scott Richards (E-mail); Steve Kennedy (E-mail); Tom Boschert (E-mail); Warren Totten (E-mail); Wim Van Dam (E-mail) Subject: Minutes of March 5, 2002 teleconference. Unapproved Minutes of the Mack Surveillance Panel Conference Call March 5, 2002 Members/Guests Participating: Bob Campbell; Charlie Passut; Jim Matasic; Greg Shank; Jim Gutzwiller; Jeff Clark; Jim Moritz; Jim Rutherford; Jim Wells; Joe Franklin; Ken Goshorn; Mark Cooper; Riccardo Conti; Ron Buck; Scott Richards; Tom Cousineau; Pat Fetterman Liner Wear Workshop / Round Robin: Jeff Clark gave a status update on the round robin results following the liner wear workshop. He declined to offer specific data, as the RR is still on-going, but he indicated the data looked very good. Based on the data to date and Mack's concurrence, Jeff moved that "As of March 6, 2002, only PDI results should be used to report liner wear". The motion passed - (9) Yes; (0) no; (0) waive. Jeff also suggested a revision to the Round Robin procedure to use only one liner which contains the full range of anticipated wear measurements, rather than multiple liners. It is anticipated this change should allow quarterly calibration testing, starting this June. Ron Buck has designed a template to facilitate liner marking. The template is attached to this note. Reference Test Frequency: Scott Richards indicated that he would like to see an extension to the one year time limit to 18 months to allow tests with declining demand, like the T-9, more time to reach the 10 test limit between references. Jeff Clark indicated that the TMC would be uneasy with such a long time between references for tests which are in LTMS calibration. Following a discussion, Wim Van Dam agreed to seek guidance from the ACC via Rick Klein. A follow-on teleconference was planned for March 18 to review feedback. (N.B. teleconference now scheduled for March 21) Jim Moritz asked if we could re-address the reference requirements for the T-10A test now that industry has some experience with the test. Jeff Clark indicated that we should look at data from extended life engines to assess if we can make any changes. This led to a discussion of stand calibration versus engine calibration, which in turn, led to a discussion of what defines an "engine". Following a fairly lengthy exchange among the participants, Jim Moritz moved to: "Remove the reference interval requirement for an engine and allow a block replacement. However, replacement of a complete engine with EGR kip will still require a reference". The motion passed - (8) yes; (0) no; (1) waive. Jeff Clark indicated that he had circulated a proposal for an LTMS system for the T-8E test using the 100% Din shear data, and he moved its acceptance. The motion passed by a group voice respones with no negatives. Greg Shank indicated that he did not want to see candidate T-8E results using the 100% shear value from tests run before January 1, 2001. Wim Van Dam agreed to contact Rick Klein to request RSI to begin tracking the 100% Din shear data. T-10A Sample Handling and MRV Procedure: The group consensus is to use the "modified" procedure which needs to be added to the test procedure, and to recommend the T-8E sample handling using a paint shaker to insure consistant sample handling. Jeff Clark indicated that we need to issue an information letter, and that D4485 will need to be modified; and that will require action by the HDEOCP. EGR Coolers and Exhaust Manifolds: Ron Buck reported that the EGR cooler supplier finally agreed to accept an order for May delivery of 50 units, but at a higher cost that originally quoted. Ken Goshorn indicated that going ot a "production" type cooler is not an option do to significant differences in the installation/design. Ron indicated that he will continue work to identify a long term solution to the cooler supply problem. Ron also indicated that he expects to have new prototype exhaust manifold castings in April. These castings should cut repair costs in half. Any Other Business: Greg Shank stated that he is still interested in method 5 FTIR oxidation data at end of test for possible inclusion in a Mack Sepcification, and labs should keep 75 hour T-10 used oil samples. In response to question regarding the need to continue monitoring exhaust O2, Greg replied that it is no longer needed.