From: Fetterman, Pat [] Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 7:38 AM To: Aimin Huang (E-mail); Aung N. Oo (E-mail); Bill Buscher (E-mail); Bill Larch (E-mail); Bob Campbell (E-mail); Charlie Passut (E-mail); Dick Patrick (E-mail); Dino Righi (E-mail); Glenn Mazzamaro (E-mail); Greg Shank (E-mail); Gutzwiller, James; Jeff Clark (E-mail); Jim McGeehan (E-mail); Jim Moritz (E-mail); Jim Rutherford (E-mail); Jim Wells (E-mail); Joe Franklin (E-mail); Ken Goshorn (E-mail); Mark Cooper (E-mail); Mark Sutherland (E-mail); Mike Zaiontz (E-mail); Norbert Nann (E-mail); Redescal Gomez (E-mail); Riccardo Conti (E-mail); Robert Mainwaring (E-mail); Ron Buck (E-mail); Scott Richards (E-mail); Steve Kennedy (E-mail); Tom Boschert (E-mail); Warren Totten (E-mail); Wim Van Dam (E-mail) Subject: Minutes of the 10/24 teleconference. Unapproved Minutes of the Mack T-10 Task Force Conference Call October 24, 2001 Members participating: Jeff Clark; Pat Fetterman; Bob Campbell; Dino Righi; Greg Shank; Jim Gutzwiller; Jim Moritz; Jim Rutherford; Jim Wells; Joe Franklin; Riccardo Conti; Ron Buck; Scott Richards; Wim Van Dam; John Haegelin; Perry Grosch. Lead targets: Following a group discussion with input from Jim Rutherford, the group consensus is to keep the transformation for the 0 to 300 hour lead values. The 250 to 300 lead values do not require a transformation, and a motion to make the 250 to 300 hour lead a non-critical but severity adjusted parameter passed with no negatives. The initial LTMS targets will be taken from the oil A matrix data using the mean value of 8.2 ppm and the standard deviation of 5.2. Jeff Clark will develop control charts for 250-300 hour lead and calculate S.A.'s The S.A.'s will become effective as of midnight on October 25. Oxidation: A motion to drop the I.R. oxidation parameter from TMC monitoring was a narrow pass. Greg Shank suggested that we should re-address this topic at the next meeting. 75 hour sample: Following discussion the group agreed to standardize the 75 hour sample size at 8 oz. Jeff Clark will revise the test procedure to reflect this clarification. T-10A: The group agreed to the desirability of having a 75 hour flush and run test procedure as an alternate to running a full length T-10 just to generage a sooted oil sample for MRV testing. This 75 hour test will be run identically to the first 75 hours of the T-10 test including the ability to time on the fly. Jeff Clark suggetsed that the T-8A test can be used as a template for this new test, and that it should be added to the T-10 procedure as an annex to the existing procedure. In order to accelerate data aquisition in the T-10A, it was agreed that it will require a reference test after 5 candidate tests. However, running a T-10A test should NOT impact the stand reference for full length T-10 tests. The TMC will monitor MRV data for severity adjustments only, and they will calculate targets and S.A.'s using the existing oil A reduced data set. Scott Richards offered his thoughts on a flushing procedure for the T-10A (three hot flushes after test using Mack Bulldog oil and three flushes before test using the next candidate), and he suggested that we should ONLY run the modified MRV procedure. After discussion the group consensus was that a decision regarding the exact MRV procedure is outside the scope of the T-10 T.F., and it should be addressed by the LOTRUO group. TAN/TBN: Joe Franklin reported that he had a list of specific test clarifications which should improve the precision of TAN/TBN measurements. Wim suggested that Joe should circulate his list to the T.F. members for review and comment, and we will discuss it at our next meeting. In response to a question regarding a potential TAN/TBN round robin using oils supplied by Joe, four labs responded positively. Any feedback to Joe's proposal is due to him by today (10/31). Exhaust Manifolds: Ron Buck reported that they are still working on a fix for exhaust manifold cracking. He expressed concern over how extensive any proposed changes can be before they begin to impact test operation. Jeff Clark suggested that we could consider physically adjusting all components to operate with zero stress while hot, and then accepting a bit of prestress when the engine is cold. Work is continuing. T-10 Research Report: Guidance from Ralph Cherrillo is that the Research Report can be fully accepted with endorsement at Task Force and HDEOCP levels. Jeff Clark offered to incorporate the proposed changes to define the T-10A test, and then we will have an e-mail ballot of the Task Force to endores the report during the week of 10/29. Liner wear step round robin: Jeff Clark reported that the liners had been measured by all labs, and he is awaiting the final results before publishing. At this point there appears to be a severity bias between the PDI and Tallysurf instruments. Jeff suggested that we hold another teleconference to discuss the results, but it is his belief that action will be required to address this bias. Regards, Pat Fetterman Industry Liaison, Infineum USA L.P. (908) 474-3099 - ph (908) 474-3363 - fx