From: Jeff Clark Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 6:44 AM To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cc: Rich Grundza Subject: EOAT Teleconference Minutes - May 4 2010 Attachments: EOAT Test - Cat input- May10.pdf Attendance - Ryan Johnson, Bob Mason, Barb Goodrich, Jason Bowden, Adam Bowden, Matt Bowden, Gordon Lee, Bob Campbell, Mark Sutherland, Hind Abi-Akar, Pat Fetterman, Robert Stockwell, Dave Taber, Jeff Clark, Zack Bishop, Chris Castanien, Andrew Stevens, Bill Larch, Heather DeBaun, Rich Grundza, Greg Shank, Jim Matasic Severity / Discrimination Concerns - Hind Abi-Akar discussed EMA's concerns that aeration is occurring in field applications with oils that have passed the EOAT (see attached file 'EOAT Test - Cat Input - May10.pdf). Questions and discussion followed; Hind felt a major question that needed to be addressed is whether or not the engine platform itself is representative of current technology and field conditions today. Questions and discussion continued. Ryan Johnson asked the panel two questions: how do we verify the test is still operating properly, and even if it is, how do we establish whether or not it meets current needs? The panel felt that having CAT run 1005-2 in their test for comparison purposes may be worthwhile. Hind will respond with details to make that happen. Hind also asked to run and extended but otherwise standard EOAT to see if the oil breaks worse with the extended length. Ryan will investigate this possibility. Parts / Hardware Availability Issues - Ryan noted that certain parts (oil sump, oil pickup, front cover) are not available anymore and that engines are only available second hand and those may not have the right sump/pickup/front cover configuration. To date, SwRI has not found a suitable replacement for their current engine. Heather DeBaun will inquire to see if Navistar can help with this issue. Greg Shank mentioned that this should be added to the HDEOCP / DEOAP discussions regarding test life. Ryan will contact Steve Kennedy on this issue. LTMS Discussion - The open forum for the revised LTMS system is next week. Ryan asked if the panel was interested in utilizing the new LTMS as proposed. The panel felt a wait-and-see approach might be best for now. TMC Report - was distributed a few weeks ago. Only items of note were that 1004-3 will soon be gone and no reblend is available. Also, 1005-3 will soon work its way into the referencing system. Hardcopy Reporting - the panel approved, without objection, the elimination of the requirement to send hardcopy final reports to the TMC for reference tests. Membership - Rich Grundza is now the voting member for the TMC. Jeff Clark will stay on as secretary for the time being. Next meeting - will be at the call of the chair. Best Regards, Jeff Clark Technical Manager Engineering / Analytical Services 412.365.1032 412.848.8843 cell ASTM Test Monitoring Center