From: Jeff Clark Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 1:23 PM To: 'Jim Moritz Intertek'; 'Allison Rajakumar'; 'Bill Larch'; 'Bob Campbell'; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Collins, Casey T'; 'Dan Pridemore'; 'Greg Shank'; 'James McCord'; 'Jim Gutzwiller'; ''; ''; 'Jim Rutherford'; ''; ''; ''; 'Ken Goshorn'; 'Mark Cooper'; 'Mark Sutherland'; 'Pat Fetterman'; 'Perry Grosch'; 'Philip Scinto'; ''; 'Riccardo Conti'; 'Ron Buck'; 'Ruud ter Rele'; ''; 'Scott Richards'; ''; 'Steven Kennedy'; 'Torreman, Marnix'; ''; ''; ''; '' Cc: 'Wingfield, Tom M' Subject: Minutes - Cummins Surveillance Panel Conference Call - February 5, 2010 Attachments: Cummins SP Telecon Wear Proposal (2010-02-05).pdf; ISM Oil Filter Comparison for telecon 20100205.pdf; PC-9 Feedstock Letter (2)_012610.pdf The conference convened at 10:00 a.m. Eastern. Attendance – Jeff Clark, Jim Moritz, Chris Castanien, Jim Matasic, Jess Hamilton, Zack Bishop, Pat Fetterman, Richard Leach, Shawn Whitacre, Philip Saad, Steve Kennedy, Riccardo Conti, Jim Rutherford, Ryan Johnson, Jim Gutzwiller, Mark Cooper, Brad Carter, Ron Jones, Tom Wingfield, Scott Richards, Marnix Torreman, Victor Kersey, Greg Shank, Bob Campbell PC-9 Fuel Supply (letter from Chevron Phillips is attached): Ron Jones stated that Chevron Phillips has approximately a year's worth high sulfur feedstock supply from a US refinery. While there are no current problems, Chevron Phillips is looking for other suppliers in case the current supplier leaves the high sulfur business. As a contingency, the naturally occurring sulfur in diesel can be manufactured by Chevron Phillips and added to the fuel. The question was asked about price impact of Chevron Phillips holding a year's worth of feedstock. Any impact should be known within a week. The question was asked about maintaining more than a year's worth of supply (perhaps 4 years worth). Chevron Phillips will have that discussion with the supplier; the panel further discussed the impact of fuel supply on test life without taking any action. ISM Hardware – Filters and Crossheads: Philipe Saad of Cummins informed the panel that the crosshead have been cast. They will be sent out for heat treatment (1 week), hardness measurement, cleaning, and then to TEI for inspection and distribution. If everything goes as planned, early March is still the intended availability. TEI sent Cummins 4 filters from the 2001 batch for comparison to the new batch. Flow and media tests are being done. Results may be available in two weeks. Discussion moved to the OFDP performance of the current filters (see attached file). OFDP appears to be more severe on the current filters compared to the old filters. Concern was expressed that CH-4 and CI-4 cannot be passed with these filters. Cummins was asked how quickly a new batch can be made; Philipe Saad said turnaround could be very quick (possibly a week). Open discussion followed, during which Cummins was asked if the media material of both batches could be examined for composition differences. Shawn Whitacre stated that would be worth examining. More discussion followed, Bob Campbell asked if used filters could be examined. Shawn Whitacre stated the Cummins Filtration already has some. Philipe expects results within the next week. Bob offered to send some of his; Shawn will let Bob know if that is needed. Injector Adjusting Screw and Crosshead Wear Proposal – presented by Steve Kennedy (attached): Steve's presentation expresses the belief that the IAS CF is appropriate, however, it messes up the merit calculation since the size of the CF prevents the max merits from being achieved. It also stated the belief that the CWL CF is too larger, perhaps by 0.5 mg. Steve's proposal was to consider changing the IAS merit calculation and changing both the merit calculation and CF for CWL. Much discussion ensued, and the panel decided that they would like the LTMS stats group to review and address for the March meetings. Next Meeting(s) – Cummins and Mack meetings will be held March 3 (p.m.) and March 4 (a.m.) at Columbus, IN. The teleconference concluded at 11:25 am. Please contact me with any corrections or questions. Best Regards, Jeff Clark Technical Manager Engineering / Analytical Services Test Monitoring Center 6555 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15206 412-365-1032 412-848-8843 (cell)