From: Jeff Clark Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 1:43 PM To: 'Jim Moritz Intertek'; 'Bill Larch'; 'Bob Campbell'; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Collins, Casey T'; 'Dan Pridemore'; 'Greg Shank'; 'James McCord'; 'Jim Gutzwiller'; ''; ''; 'Jim Rutherford'; ''; 'Joe Franklin Intertek'; 'John Haegelin Intertek'; 'Ken Goshorn'; 'Mark Cooper'; 'Mark Sutherland'; 'Pat Fetterman'; 'Perry Grosch'; 'Philip Scinto'; ''; 'Riccardo Conti'; 'Ron Buck'; 'Ruud ter Rele'; ''; 'Scott Richards'; ''; 'Steven Kennedy'; 'Torreman, Marnix'; 'Van Dam, Wim (WVDA)'; ''; ''; ''; '' Subject: Cummins Surveillance Panel Conference Call Minutes Tuesday December 1,2009 Attachments: ISM runs for filter comparison (updated).pdf; ISM oil filter comparison.pdf Attendance - Philipe Saad, Shawn Whitacre, Jim Moritz, Pat Fetterman, Mark Cooper, Jeff Clark, Jim Matasic, Jim Rutherford, Chris Castanien, Scott Richards, Ryan Johnson, Bob Campbell, Jim Gutzwiller, Brad Carter, Zack Bishop This conference was called to order shortly after 11:00 am to discuss potential severity issues with ISM Filter Plugging associated with a filter batch change. Prior to the meeting, Jim Moritz distributed two files (attached). Jim's distribution comments regarding the files are shown below: ------------------------ The file ‘ISM runs for filter comparison (updated).pdf’ shows 2 runs on an oil run 3 years apart, blended each time. The oil is CH-4 quality and passed 3 years ago, but was terminated at 102 hours this year with OFDP at 246 kPa already at 100 hours. The second file is something I put together since this is important and the trend can be seen without actual values or units on the plot. Generally, in the past, when there was higher OFDP, the viscosity increase from new to 150 hours increases proportionately. Some tests on the new filters have had very high OFDP (in the 100’s), but with low viscosity increase. The new filter plot is based on 5 runs. The second plot (zoomed) does not include runs with very high viscosity increases to highlight the trend. ------------------------ Jim then led the discussion on the possibility of an ISM filter plugging shift. Philipe Saad and Shawn Whitacre stated that Cummins was in the process of testing both the old and new batch filters to see if any differences exist. This led to a great deal of discussion regarding the filter media, and whether or not media in the new filters was produced at the same time as the old filter media. Cummins agreed to investigate and will report back to the panel. It was then noted that a new batch of crossheads is coming in 2010. The new batch has been delayed in production, and TEI is waiting for a delivery date. TEI currently has 3 - 4 months worth of crossheads on hand. Given that new filters and new crossheads are both soon to be introduced to reference testing, it was decided that it may be wise to line up references among the labs so that the impact, if any, of the new parts could be better quantified. Based on lab feedback, it was decided that this issue should be revisited in early January. The conference call adjourned at 11:40 am.