From: Franklin, Tom [] Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:55 PM To: Abdul Cassim; Bob Campbell; Cathy Devlin; Chris Mazuca; Chuck Dutart; Craig Stone; Dave Duncan; Dwight Bowden; Jason Bowden; Jeff Clark; Jim McCord; Jim McGeehan; Kim Fyfe; Mark Sutherland; Matthew Urbanak; Mike Griggs; Pat Fetterman; Riccardo Conti; Richard Butcher; Ron Buck; Steve Jetter Cc: 'Greg Shank'; Brad Carter; Charlie Passut; Chris May; Daryl Baumgartner; David Chasan; Elisa Santos; 'Frank Fernandez (E-mail)'; Gordon Lamb; Heather DeBaun; Jim Gutzwiller; Jim Moritz; Jim Rutherford; Jim Wells; Jose Gutierrez; Keith Selby; Mayur Shah; Michael Minotti; Mike Lynskey; Norbert Nann; Phil Scinto; Ray Funk; Tom Cousineau; Vittoria Lopopolo Subject: Minutes, C13 Teleconference 4.19.05 Following are my notes from the above teleconference. Attendance: Abdul Cassim Bob Campbell Chuck Dutart Elisa Santos Jeff Clark Jim Gutzwiller Jim McCord Jim Rutherford Mike Griggs Riccardo Conti Brad Carter Greg Stone Steve Jetter Matrix Readiness Issues Parts: Each of the five matrix labs (SwRI, PE, Lz, XOM and Afton) have received the parts from Caterpillar for the first matrix test in each stand. Caterpillar advised that all of the parts be inspected ASAP to be sure that no damage occurred in shipment. Oil Temperature control systems: Each of the five labs reported that these systems are in various states of construction but none appeared to be on the critical path to start-up of the matrix. It was agreed that the stainless steel hose shown in Jim McCord's design should be recommended practice but not required as long as Teflon lined hose is used. Best start dates: (given that the MOA is due to go out for signatures on 4/25. latest) SwRI, 2 stands, 4/22 and 4/29; PE, 2 stands, 4/29 and 5/11; Lz 5/11; XOM 5/9; Afton 5/9. Oil shipments: The design for these first seven tests has been completed and all of the matrix oils are in the process of being shipped to the labs. Labs are required to contact the TMC, Jeff Clark, for the proper CMIR number before starting each and all matrix tests. The existing data base on Oil D will continue to use that label; however the reblend of the oil to be used in the matrix will be labeled Oil PC-10G. The TMC has requested that they be advised of any stands that will be put into the system in addition to the matrix stands. Procedure issues: Jeff Clark is preparing Draft six for use as the official matrix procedure. It was agreed that a better oil charging location was needed to speed the charging process. Jim McCord will issue a revised version of Fig. A4.5 to all of the labs and to Jeff for inclusion in Draft six. The matrix will be run to the stated control conditions with the stated + values. Detrimination of matrix test operational validity will be based on the labs' ability to stay within these limits. With the new oil temperature control system the gallery temperature will be controlled to 98+2C by the end of stage 5 of the break-in and the warm-up as well as throughout the 500 hour test period. An inclusion will be added to A13, Test Validity, recommending a maximum downtime of 125 hours per test. Any matrix test that exceeds that value will be closely scrutinized. Mike Griggs presented some averaged data for two tests showing the pressure drop between the outlet of the engine mounted intercooler and the intake manifold to be 5.94 and 6.86 kPa respectively. Since Bob Campbell has observed values of 17 kPA for similar configuration, it was decided that there was insufficient data to perscribe a value in the procedure and that all labs will measure this pressure drop for all matrix tests. Mike Griggs will forward a photo of the post engine mounted intercooler showing the location of the tap. Next meetings Short conference call on 5/4 at 10 am CDT Face to face on June 20, at 8:00 am EDT, at the June ASTM meeting in Pittsburgh. Best regards, Thomas M. Franklin Chairman: ASTM D02.B and Senior Technical Advisor for: PerkinElmer fluid sciences Automotive Research Phone: 210-647-9446 Fax: 210-523-4607 e-mail: **************** This e-mail and any attachments are intended solely for the named addressee and may contain legally privileged and confidential information. The copying thereof or the dissemination of any information they contain, by anyone other than the addressee, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender by immediate reply to this e-mail and delete the original message. Thank you.